Hello Everyone I do hope you are all well and happy out there. Yesterday I wanted to write you a post about the weekend and completed it late last night. However, technology is so wonderful until something goes wrong! I could not upload any of my photographs for some reason, I tried everything and it all failed miserably.
I was so annoyed with myself and spoke to a dear friend of ours to see if he could have a look at my blog to locate the problem - we both decided that possibly they (the system bods) were working on things and it would all be ok by this morning........Sadly it wasn't and I must admit that I was starting to get very twitchy and anxious - would I have to give up blogging, what would you all think, could I start a new one somewhere else...........the questions kept running around in my head.
I had to be in work very early this morning so whilst I was walking there I was trying to sort out a solution to this. I had an early finish and couldn't wait to get back to my computer to have a fiddle (a technical term you understand for computer bods like myself who know nothing!). By some miracle which must have come from heaven I managed to do something which enabled the images to be uploaded. I don't understand what I did and made sure I wrote all the steps down because I will have forgotten them by the next post. So lovely friends do come in and have a relax while I pop the kettle on - would you like some calorie free cream cake? I am sure you would, I know I would........yummy.
Now then back the weekend. It started off rather nicely on Friday when I picked up my Simply Crochet magazine, always love getting this even though I am on the very baby steps at the moment - it is a great leap forward for me to actually buy a crochet magazine because in the past I wouldn't have dreamt of doing this as I couldn't read the patterns. I feel that I am getting a little more confident in this area, am still unsure about a lot of them, but the more I read them the more clearer they become. The difficult bit it actually translating this to the crochet hook and yarn. However the magazine has so many lovely features in it and it is my favourite.
Now then back the weekend. It started off rather nicely on Friday when I picked up my Simply Crochet magazine, always love getting this even though I am on the very baby steps at the moment - it is a great leap forward for me to actually buy a crochet magazine because in the past I wouldn't have dreamt of doing this as I couldn't read the patterns. I feel that I am getting a little more confident in this area, am still unsure about a lot of them, but the more I read them the more clearer they become. The difficult bit it actually translating this to the crochet hook and yarn. However the magazine has so many lovely features in it and it is my favourite.
I particularly loved this cushion - the colours are ones which I really feel fit into my home and my lifestyle. It looks fairly uncomplicated and is something I would like to try once I have finished my crochet bag (yes Folks yet another bag is on the production line) but this one is for me...........
On Friday evening I was determined to complete my two other cushions from the LillyBlossom pattern. Folks I couldn't believe how quickly I whizzed through the pattern, cutting and sewing. I was so so pleased with them and send my heartfelt thanks to Lilly Blossom for producing such a clear and easy pattern to follow. If I can do anyone can, believe me. I already have tons of ideas running around my head about Christmas cushions, personalised cushions, birthday cushions - my husband commented rather dryly that he hoped we weren't going to be taken over by cushions.........

I am so pleased with them - what do you think Everyone - I always trust your judgement. I know that they wouldn't pass the Sewing Bee challenge but for me they are just fab.
On Friday a couple of things came from Ebay which I had been bidding on. I try to limit myself to this as I know that you can get carried away with it. I always stick to the budget I have in my head and never overbid as this can be fatal. I like little whimsical things which others wouldn't be that interested in but I just love what I win. I also found this cute little tin. In my childhood we would always get a tin of toffees from someone in the family and I do wish I had kept some of them. They were such pretty things then and I used to keep my bead collections in them. I don't know what happened to them all but they are all gone now. This tin is typical of the day with the lovely Highland scene on it with a picturesque cottage in the background. I have travelled to Scotland many times and it is such a wonderful place, the views and the people are outstanding. If you haven't been Folks try and get up there for a holiday, you won't regret it.
I also won this adorable little tea tray cloth which I might reuse in another form. It is so pretty and I just adore old embroidery things and wonder who has gone to the all the trouble of making them. I hope they know that I am going to treasure the results of their hard work. I do think that people are becoming much more appreciative of stuff such as this.
I do have a real passion for buttons which I have mentioned before. My final win was this box of buttons which had all come from a store somewhere in Britain. I loved the box anyway and have a couple of these but the buttons were a real bonus. If anyone out there knows where they came from I would really be interested. I had some thoughts of making a picture of sorts and arranging the buttons into some kind of form - a heart for example. I would appreciate any ideas you have, always love to hear from you all.
On Saturday I spent the day in Manchester with my gorgeous eldest Son who is always such good company. We did a bit of shopping, coffee, lunch, talking and more talking so time went quickly. However, whenever I am somewhere different I always have to check out the shops for haberdashery, yarns, fabrics anything to do with crafting. I did go into a few and there was nothing - an absolute desert. Now all you lovely Readers from that part of the world I am sure you know of many shops I could have found. I spoke with a lady in House of Fraser who said that years ago they had a big department selling all manner of haberdashery things but they had closed it as there was little interest. She said that she didn't know of anywhere in the centre of Manchester where I could find such things..............I know that she must have been mistaken as Manchester has the Ministry of Craft which runs lots of courses but obviously I was limited to time. Any ideas or information would be warmly welcomed Folks, am sure that I missed out on some gems because I wasn't sure where to find them.
Now Folks if any of you read the lovely Hannapat's blog you might have read a post a couple of months ago about the Treacle Fair in Macclesfield. After I read her wonderful post I really wanted to visit as I adore old fairs such as this. On Sunday I set out quite early as it is about an hour and a quarter from where I live and I wanted to be there nice and early. The weather was just gorgeous and I was excited about the day. Parking was really easy, right opposite the main street and it was in full flow when I got there with loads of people around. There were so many interesting stalls selling all manner of food including bread, cakes, potted beef, meat, pies, the list goes on. After a quick coffee I quickly scooted around as I must admit Folks I wasn't that interested in the food stall - although the majority of people were milling around these.
I found the Square near the church and spied all the wonderful stalls there selling the things most dear to my heart. Now lovely Folks I had given myself a stern warning on the way that I wasn't going to overspend on bits and pieces so I made sure that I came out of the house with just a tad more than I wanted to spend. I know what I am like when I see something I want, are you the same????? I hope I am not the only one who is like this.
This was the first stall I came to and the wonderful gentleman kindly offered to have his photograph taken for my blog. I always ask permission before taking any images and tell the people that it is for a blog. Sometimes craftspeople can be reluctant about you taking photographs and I can well understand this as it must be so annoying when people steal ideas from you. This gentleman was very kind and told me that he had a website as well.
He makes and sells some rather unusual gifts including brooches which would make a good present for someone hard to buy for. I was drawn to this lovely lady on his stall. She was sat at the very back amongst all the other items and looked so serene and calm. I needed to take her home with me, I think she is so lovely and will sit on our dresser. I would dearly love to know who she is - all dressed up in her best clothes ready for the photographer. The photograph is on tin plate and has a little stand at the back so sits nicely on the shelf. I love her.
I have also been looking for a plastic coated shopping basket for ages. I do have a couple of these but wanted one which was in better condition than the ones I already have. They are great for putting my yarns in and also when I am doing a project I tend to put all the things needed into the basket and keep it next to me when I am sewing, knitting or crocheting. I loved this one and bought it from a very nice stall. A lady at the stall was telling me that she also collects these but has that many she dare not take another one home with her.............

The two ladies on the stall were quite happy to have their photograph taken although they didn't want to post for a picture! Everyone I met was so nice and friendly but I was a bit restricted with my camera.
Finally I found one last treasure which I had to have Everyone. At first I thought I was just a little old box but it had my name on it, then I opened it to see the embroidery threads which were the icing on the cake. The box would have contained old nylon stockings which women (and maybe some men!) wore before the invention of tights. They were held up by suspenders - these have all come back into fashion now. I just wonder what John was sending to Valda, Dorothy and Kenneth? Any ideas Folks?
Well Folks that was my weekend, pretty packed and colourful but highly enjoyable. Now what about you? I do hope you all had a fabulous time with some relaxation and fun. The weather on Sunday was perfect but I must say that I just made it back to the car before the rain and thunder started. All the way home there were tremendous puddles on the road and I had to take it slow and steady which meant a longer drive home. But, it was all worth it in the end and I will certainly be going again.
Did I stick to my budget? You will be proud of me as I did. I must admit that I was really tempted on many many items but kept my head and didn't dive in. I was so pleased with the treasures I came away with and the ones from Ebay. I hope that the computer doesn't play up again Folks as I do want to keep talking to you all on a very regular basis. If you can leave a comment that would be so wonderful as I love hearing from you. I must say that I have learned so much in the short time I have been blogging and 'met' extraordinary people from all walks of life which I never would have met otherwise. Thank you for being so good and reading my blog and I hope to see you very soon again. Be safe and enjoy your week ahead. Lots of love as always, Dorothy :-)xxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh no Dorothy, we most probably walked past each other, grrrrr! We had a last minute chance if plan which meant I could go. Needless to say I was over the moon just wish I could've met up with you. I did see due from a distance. Love all your bits and can't believe you got that basket!! I would most certainly have grabbed that eith both hands had I seen it. Love your eBay finds and pleased to hear that you are disciplined when it comes to max price and all that. Your cushions turned out beautiful and that mag looks fab!! Pleased you enjoyed treacle we will get there one day!! As for shopping in Manchester, I know Helen Phillips has mentioned somewhere before, worth trawling her blog. So lovely to hear you enjoyed some quality time with your son. Much love xoxo
ReplyDeleteDorothy...what a super catch up post your basket is so pretty!
ReplyDeleteso pleased you managed to put up google followers...and you have 10 already well done....your blog is now on my blog roll too...bestest d x
I'm glad to hear you kept to your budget. It would have been hard.