Hello Everyone and festive greeting to you all. I hope that you are all happy, well and safe. Time has whizzed passed over the past week and I cannot believe that my most favourite time of the year is nearly over for another year. I always hate January but am determined to try and be a little more tolerant this year and enjoy each day as it comes. I hope you were all able to spend some time with your loved ones and friends and enjoyed some nice food and gifts. In my case I enjoyed the food a little too much as I always do so guess what is top of my resolution list............diet! However just nip over to the lovely
Tina's blog as she really puts into words what I cannot. I was really moved by her recent post and it has made me think deeply about my life and how I approach things.
I wanted to share with you some of the wonderful crafty gifts which I received over the Christmas, I was bowled over with each and everyone and shall treasure them always. My lovely husband is always puzzled about what to buy me for Christmas and had asked if I had wanted a new sewing machine. I have had my Janome one for over 20 years and because I only recently took up sewing it is still quite unused so I decided against a new one, although I was tempted with the ones which do the wonderful embroidery. However he knows that I am a big fan of Kirsty Allsop and bought me one of her boxes with some delights in.
I can always find room for more buttons and ribbons, just lovely all of them and a new tape measure as well, gorgeous! Can you see those dinky little magnets which will be so useful for my notice board in my sewing room.
Another dear dear friend of mine sent me these wonderful gifts from the other part of the world. These are especially special to me lovely Folks as my friend is someone I admire and respect, although we are not able to meet she is one of the most inspirational people I have ever been privileged to know. I adore the crochet snowflakes which she lovingly made. I have had so many comments on these over the Christmas period as they are do delicate and beautiful.
She also made me this gorgeous embroidered hoop which is on the wall and is definitely not going back into the Christmas decoration boxes this year - each time I pass I think of her so it is remain in our lounge throughout the year. Thank you Sweet Friend, you are a treasure and a Joy to me.

Finally I received a fabulous set of gifts from a very special friend who is so talented Folks and yet does not believe in herself. This year she has been such a constant and loving friend to me, always supportive and kind even though she has endured many horrible times with her health. I am constantly asking her to start a blog and hope that this year she will and you will be able to see yourselves how clever and creative she is. My lovely Friend had left my gifts at my Son and lovely Daughter-in-Law's house as we stayed with them for a few days over Christmas with our little Peeps. Just have a look at this wonderful box and the magical contents which seemed to go on forever! At first I was unsure what was in the box..................I loved the vintage newspaper which all the contents were wrapped in, such a lovely idea.

Some lovely buttons - always useful and aren't these just so gorgeous! You can see the name of the creator of these wonders -
Stitchywoowoo who is a wonderful textile artist called Sally Hutson, pop over and see her webpage and Etsy shop. She is based in Buckinghamshire so I am going to see if she has any workshops which I could go to.
Some more wonderful things to play with and create - I have masses of ideas Folks but would love to hear what you would make with all these fabulous textiles.
Look at these wonderful ribbons, just breath-taking.
Some beads and buttons
Plus loads of lovely fabric pieces, just heavenly - these will really get my creative juices flowing lovely Readers.
Here are some of the wonderful ideas from Sally to get you started. I must admit that I am drawn to making some brooches and a journal with all these lovely fabrics and beads - what a wonderful idea and I would love to make up something like this for some of my crafty friends for their birthdays, what do you think Lovely Folks?
The gifts didn't stop there - knowing how much I love tea towels she had included these two lovely beauties which will make a couple of festive cushions for next year - I adore the pattern and the colours - so Christmassy.
Then another parcel containing this wonder. I adore this case as she has been so thoughtful in filling it with many wonderful things. Have a look and see and also marvel at her talent for sewing.........even has my name on the front.
I gasped when I opened it as it was packed full of fabulous gifts.
As you know I have fallen in love with foxes this year so the gorgeous book was perfect. I have to master cross stitch yet but have no excuse now after receiving this treasure trove. I am not sure if you have read this book but it is a mine of information and wonderful pictures which really help the newbie like me.
I really want to try and do this little project first, I just love this little pin cushion, so pretty and in vogue at this moment. Do you like it?
The instructions look pretty straightforward and, as you can see from my project case, I have everything to hand so not excuses.
Lovely Readers I am blessed with all these fabulous gifts from my lovely Friends who I thank from the bottom of my heart. Friends and Family - where would we be without them..........I am sure that you have all have similar wonders from your loved ones and I am looking forward to seeing them all on your blogs.
I cannot show you what I am working on at the moment as they are not finished and need to be posted off to some special ladies as we all missed the Christmas post - I do not want to spoil their surprises and know that you will understand.
Well my lovely Friends it is nearly 2014 and each year I make masses of resolutions, write them all down and then usually forget them all by February at the latest. This year I have decided only to make a few and try and stick to them. More on those in another post in the next day or so. Do keep safe and well and I shall speak with you all very soon. Biggest hugs to each and every one of you, all my love as always. Dorothy :-)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx